Mobiles Layout
Wild Chimpanzee Foundation

Partners & donors

International Partners

Côte d'Ivoire:


  • Office Guinéen des Parcs Nationaux et Réserves de Faune
  • Ministères de la République de la Guinée
  • Ministère de l'Environnement et du Développement Durable
  • Direction Nationale des Aires Protégées et de la Biodiversité
  • Guinea Alumina Project
  • Compagnie des Bauxites de Guinée
  • Société des Mines de Fer de Guinée
  • Centre de Conservation des Chimpanzés
  • Bureau Guinéen d'Etude et d'Evaluation Environnementale
  • ONG Guinée-Ecologie
  • Compagnie Touchatou, theater troupe


  • Forestry Development Authority
  • Environmental Protection Agency
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs
  • Ministry of Information, Cultural Affairs and Tourism
  • Ministry of Justice
  • Liberia National Police (Transnational Organized Crime Unit, Interpol)
  • Forestry Training Institute
  • Jane Goodall Institute
  • Eddie Theatre Productions
  • Fauna and Flora International
  • Environmental Protection Agency
  • Multi-Agri-Systems Promoters (MAP)
  • University of Liberia
  • Paynesville and Monrovia City Corporations
  • Society for the Conservation of Nature of Liberia
  • Royal Society for the Protection of Birds,
  • Liberia Chimpanzee Rescue and Protection
  • Libassa Wildlife Sanctuary
  • Universal Outreach Foundation


The WCF sincerely thanks the many private donors concerned by the vanishing wild chimpanzee populations for their generous donations towards its projects!

The WCF is grateful to all the conservation agencies and foundations supporting its conservation activities:

Arcus Foundation, BBC Natural History Unit, Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ), California Community Foundation, Compagnie des Bauxites de Guinée (CBG), Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund, Côte d'Ivoire Tourisme, Darwin Initiative, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), European Union, EU NaturaGuinée, Indianapolis Price, IDH - the Sustainable Trade Initiative/Barrycallebaut, Illegal Wildlife Trade Challenge Fund/ UK Government, German and British embassies in Monrovia/Liberia, Guinea Alumina Cooperation (GAC), Great Ape Conservation Fund of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, IUCN SOS Threatend Species Grant, Liberia Forest Sector Project (LFSP), Monde Sauvage Safari Parc, Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement (PNUD), Rainforest Trust, Rettet den Regenwald e.V., Rainforest Rescue, Rio Tinto, Serengeti Park Stiftung, Tusk Trust - Wildlife Ranger Challenge, Tierschutz Zürich, Winning Consortium Simandou, World Bank/OIPR/PARCI, West Africa Biodiversity and Low Emissions Development (WABiLED)/USAID, Welsh Mountain Zoo, Zoo Furuviksparken and Zoo am Meer Bremerhafen.